GAS MAN® Reviews
- Torda TA. GAS MAN Audio-Visual Review. Anes Inten Care 13:111, 1984.
- Society for Educations in Anesthesia (SEA). GAS MAN®. Educational Resources Review. Newsletter of the Society for Education in Anesthesia 2:2, 1985.
- Brandom BW. GAS MAN®. Book Reviews. Anes Analg 65:106-107. 1986.
- Shanks CA. GAS MAN®. Books. JAMA 255:268, 1986.
- Dean JM. GAS MAN®. Software Review. M.D. Computing 3:53-57, 1986.
- Macintosh Developers in Medical Schools and the Life Sciences. Syllabus for the Macintosh. 12: 9, 1990.
- Lawson, D. Gas Man®, Understanding Uptake and Distribution. Book Reviews. Anes Analg 73: 240-242, 1991.
- Gage JS. Mathematics and Judgement: a review of the computer simulation Gas Man®. M.D. Computing 9: 54-56, 1992.<
- Bouillon T, Shafer S. Editorial – Hot air or full steam ahead? An empirical pharmacokinetic model of potent inhaled agents. Brit J. Anaes. 2000;84:429-431. (Editorial)
- Pott LM. Simulation saves resources. Journal of Clinical Anesthesia 2009; 21: 539 – 540 (Letter).
- Tapia D, Survey on use of pharmacokinetic simulation software for anesthesia resident education. Montreal Canada, International Anesthesia Research Society (IARS) Annual Meeting, 2014.
- Chen C, Yang S, Xiong X, Shi Y, Zhong X, Shi J., Enhancing Anesthesia Education and Clinical Practice: A Comprehensive Review of GASMAN Simulation Software. Journal of Medical Education and Curricular Development (China), 2024,
GAS MAN® Publications
- Kowalski JA, Garfield JM, Raemer DB, Philip JH. Microcomputer based tutorials: Interactive teaching tools for anesthesia. ASA, Las Vegas NV, Oct 1982. (Scientific Exhibit)
- Warsawski C, Raemer DB, Philip JH. A pharmacokinetic model with random rate coefficients. Proc of 10th Annual Northeast Bioengineering Conference, Hanover NH, 1982. (Abstract)
- Philip JH, Garfield JM, Kowalski JA, Albert D, Philip BK, Raemer DB. Microcomputer based tutorials: Interactive teaching tools for anesthesia. New York State Post Graduate Assembly in Anesthesiology (PGA), New York NY, Dec 1982. (Scientific Exhibit)
- Philip JH. An anesthesia uptake and distribution simulation to compliment physiologic monitoring. Proc of 4th Space Age Monitoring Conference, St. Moritz, Switzerland, Mar 1983. (Abstract)
- Philip JH. GAS MAN®: A pictorial and graphical simulation for teaching anesthesia uptake and distribution. ASA, Atlanta GA, Oct 1983. Anesthesiology. 59:A471, 1983. (Abstract)
- Philip JH. A computer program to teach theoretical and practical aspects of inhalational anesthetic pharmacokinetics using pictorial and graphical displays and continuous user interaction. Proc of Microcomputer in Anesthesia IV, Ashville NC, 1983. (Abstract)
- Philip JH. GAS MAN® – Understanding anesthesia uptake and distribution. Menlo Park: Addison-Wesley, 1984.
- Philip JH. GAS MAN® – A computer simulation to teach pharmacokinetics. Invited paper, Proc of AAMI 19th Meeting, Washington DC, May 1984. (Abstract)
- Paskin S, Raemer DB, Garfield JM, Philip J. Is computer simulation of anesthetic uptake and distribution and effective teaching tool for anesthesia residents? Computing in Anesthesia, Los Angeles CA, Jan 1985. J Clin Mon. 1:87-88, 1985.
- Philip JH, Lema MJ, Raemer DB, Crocker D. Is computer simulation as effective as lecture for teaching residents anesthetic uptake and distribution? ASA, San Francisco CA, Oct 1985. Anesthesiology. 63:A503, 1985. (Abstract)
- Philip JH. GAS MAN®. Registered Trademark for computer programs in the form of disk to simulate anesthetic uptake and distribution and for instruction booklets for use with computer simulation of anesthetic uptake and distribution. No. 1,286,959, 1984. (REGISTERED TRADE MARK)
- Philip JH. GAS MAN® – An example of goal oriented computer-assisted teaching which results in learning. Int J Clin Mon 1986;3:165-173.
- Philip JH. Quantitative Administration of Inhalation Anesthesia. In: Bennett PB, Watkins WD, eds. Safety concepts for perioperative monitoring. Boulder: Ohmeda, 1988; 44-56
- Garfield JM, Paskin S, Philip JH. An evaluation of the effectiveness of a computer simulation of anaesthetic uptake and distribution as a teaching tool. Medical Education 23:457-462, 1989.
- Philip JH. An Electric Model of Induction of Anesthesia. Proc of the Anesthesia Simulator Curriculum Conference. Presented by US Food and Drug Administration Anesthesia Patient Safety Foundation. Rockville MD, September 1989.
- Philip JH. Gas Man® for the Macintosh Computer. Scientific Exhibit. ASA, New Orleans LA, October 1989. (Abstract)
- Philip JH. Gas Man® Simulation of Overpressure is Verified by Correct Alveolar Plateaus. ASA, Las Vegas NV, October 1990. Anesthesiology 73:A465, 1990. (Abstract)
- Philip JH. GAS MAN® – Understanding Anesthesia Uptake and Distribution. Macintosh Edition. Chestnut Hill: Med Man Simulations, 1990.
- Calalang I, Sutton DC, Philip JH, Raemer DB. Eucapnic Hyperventilation can Facilitate Recovery from Inhalational Anesthesia. Society for Technology in Anesthesia (STA). Orlando FL, January 1991. J Clin Monit 7:109, 1991.
- Philip JH. Gas Man and Agent Monitoring – Combining Theory and Practice in Clinical Anesthesia. Society for Technology in Anesthesia (STA). Orlando FL, January 1991.J Clin Monit 7:125, 1991.
- Philip JH. Gas Man® Simulates Correct Alveolar Plateaus and Quantifies Overpressure for Desired Alveolar Tension. Presented at 6th International Symposium on Computing in Anesthesia and Intensive Care. Hamamatsu, Japan. April 1991. (Abstract)
- Sutton DC, Calalang I, Philip JH, Raemer DB. A Comparison of Methods to Facilitate Recovery from Inhalation Anesthesia. Proceedings of 6th International Symposium on Computing in Anesthesia and Intensive Care. Hamamatsu, Japan. April 1991. (Abstract)
- Philip JH. Gas Man® Simulation of Tissue Time Constants is Verified by Comparison to Analytic Solution. Society for Technology in Anesthesia (STA). San Diego CA January 1992. J Clin Monit 8:178, 1992.
- Sutton DC, Calalang ID, Raemer, DB, Philip JH. A Theoretical Analysis of the Factors Affecting MAC Awake. Proceedings of 2nd Annual STA Meeting, San Diego CA, January 1992. J Clin Monit 8:179, 1992.
- Sutton DC, Calalang ID, Raemer DB, Philip JH. Analysis of eucapnic hyperpnea as an alternative to overpressure for induction of inhalation anesthesia. Proceedings of 2nd Annual STA Meeting, San Diego CA, January 1992. J Clin Monit 8:180, 1992.
- Sutton DC, Calalang ID, Raemer DB, Philip JH. Eucapnic hyperpnea with isoflurane produces similar emergence times to sevoflurane and desflurane but requires anesthesia machine design changes. Proceedings of 2nd Annual STA Meeting, San Diego CA, January 1992. J Clin Monit 8:181, 1992.
- Philip JH, Sutton DC, Calalang ID. Analysis of the Factors Affecting MAC Awake. ASA, New Orleans LA, October 1992. Anesthesiology 77:A381, 1992. (Abstract)
- Philip JH, DC Sutton, Calalang ID. Eucapnic Hyperventilation with Isoflurane Produces Similar Emergence Times to Sevoflurane or Desflurane but Requires Anesthesia Machine Design Changes. ASA, New Orleans LA, October 1992. Anesthesiology 77:A418, 1992. (Abstract)
- Sutton DC, Calalang ID, Raemer DB, Philip JH. Eucapnic Hyperpnea Facilitates Recovery from Inhalational Anesthesia. In: Ikeda I, Doi M, Kazama T, Sato K, Oyama, eds. Computing and Monitoring in Anesthesia and Intensive Care. Tokyo. Springer-Verlag, 1992; 97-99.
- Philip JH, Sutton DC, Calalang ID. Analysis of the Factors Affecting MAC Awake. ASA, New Orleans LA, October 1992. Anesthesiology 77:A381, 1992. (Abstract)
- Philip JH, DC Sutton, Calalang ID. Eucapnic Hyperventilation with Isoflurane Produces Similar Emergence Times to Sevoflurane or Desflurane but Requires Anesthesia Machine Design Changes. ASA, New Orleans LA, October 1992. Anesthesiology 77:A418, 1992. (Abstract)
- Khodr K, Philip JH. GasMan® LabView® Provides Anesthesia Simulation Results Identical to Gasman® for Macintosh. Society for Technology in Anesthesia (STA). Orlando FL, January 1994. J Clin Monit 10:279-280, 1994
- Khodr K, Philip JH. A New Pharmacokinetic Inhalant Model. Society for Technology in Anesthesia (STA). Orlando FL, January 1994. J Clin Monit 10:280, 1994.
- Philip JH. Gas Man® Explains the Cost of Inhalation Anesthesia. Society for Technology in Anesthesia (STA). Phoenix AZ, January 1995. (Abstract)
- Philip JH. Gas Man® help find the best fresh gas flow for anesthesia induction. Society for Technology in Anesthesia (STA), San Diego, CA, January 1996.
- Khodr KJ, Philip JH. Shunt and dead space simulations in an inhalation anesthesia model. ASA, New Orleans, LA, October 1996.
- Philip JH, Khodr KJ, Franklin HM. Several inhalation anesthesia simulations produce the same results. ASA, New Orleans, LA, October 1996.
- Ji XB, Philip JH, Franklin HM. Gas Man® Overcomes Stiff-integration Oscillation using Exponential Integration. Society for Technology in Anesthesia (STA). Fort Lauderdale FL, January 1997.
- O’Hara DA, Philip JH. Actual and Predicted Anesthetic Concentrations of Sevoflurane and Isoflurane as Simulated by Gas Man® in Outpatients. Society for Technology in Anesthesia (STA). Fort Lauderdale FL, January 1997.
- Mandel JE, Philip JH. New Approaches to Visualization of Phenomena in Inhalational Pharmacokinetics. Society for Technology in Anesthesia (STA). Tucson AZ, January 1998.
- Philip JH, Franklin HM, Ji XB. Gas Man® 3 Uses Exponential Integration to Overcome Oscillation Caused by Stiff Integration. ASA 99. Dallas TX. Anesthesiology V91:A590, 1999
- Philip, JH. Computer Simulation and Digital Photos of Monitors Tech Inhalation Anesthesia Kinetics. Medical Education Day at Harvard Medical School. Education Technology Poster Abstract. Boston MA. October 28, 2003.
- Philip JH. Gas Man® at 25 Years of Age. CIA (Computers In Anesthesia) 2004.
- Philip JH. Gas Man® Demonstrates Apnea Greatly Prolongs Time Available for Intubation during VIMA with Sevoflurane. International Meeting on Medical Simulation. Miami. February 2005.
- Philip JH. Residents can Complete Gas Man® Homework and Demonstrate Core Competency in Inhalation Kinetics. Medical Education Day at Harvard Medical School, November 7, 2006. Education Technology Demonstration.
- Philip JH. Digital Still Photos Viewed and Discussed Immediately After Clinical Care fosters Teaching, Learning, and Common Understanding in a Clinical Department. Medical Education Day at Harvard Medical School, November 7, 2006. Technology Demonstration.
- Philip JH, Philip BK. Residents Can Complete Gas Man® Homework and Demonstrate Core Competency in Inhalation Kinetics. Society of Simulation Healthcare (IMSSH). Orlando FL. January 2007.
- Philip JH, Franklin HM. Gas Man® Version 4 – A Work in Progress. Society of Simulation Healthcare (IMSSH). Orlando FL. January 2007.
- Philip JH, Philip BK. Residents Can Complete Gas Man® Homework and Demonstrate Core Competency in Inhalation Kinetics. Society for Technology (STA) Annual Meeting. Orlando FL. January 2007
- Philip JH, Franklin HM. Gas Man® Version 4 – A Work in Progress. Society for Technology (STA) Annual Meeting. Orlando FL. January 2007.
- Philip JH, Philip BK. Residents Can Complete Gas Man® Homework and Demonstrate Core Competency in Inhalation Kinetics. San Francisco CA. ASA 2007. Anesthesiology 2007;438:A1188.
- Philip JH. Digital Still Photos Discussed After Clinical Care Fosters Teaching, Learning, Common Understanding. San Francisco CA. ASA 2007. Anesthesiology 2007;438:A1189.
- Leeson S, Philip JH. Effect of Hypoventilation on emergence and reanesthetization after Volatile Anesthesia. Cape Town SA, WCA 2008.
- Philip JH, Leeson S. Hypoventilation after Inhalation Anesthesia Can Cause Reanesthetization. New Orleans LA. ASA 2009.
- Philip JH, Philip BK. Gas Man® Version 4.1 Teaches Inhalation Kinetics. Palm Beach FL. STA 2012.
- Philip JH, Philip BK, Leeson S. Gas Man® Version 4.1 Teaches Inhalation Kinetics. Buenos Ares Argentina. World Congress of Anesthesiologist Meeting, 2012.
- Vijjeswarapu MA, Kuo AS, Philip JH. Inhalational induction for difficult airway – factors affecting spontaneous airway recovery after obstruction: a computational simulation. Montreal Canada, International Anesthesia Research Society (IARS) Annual Meeting, 2014.
GAS MAN® Use and Citations
- Philip BK, Wetchler BV, ed. Anesthesia for ambulatory surgery. Philadelphia: JB Lippincott, 1985.
- Gravenstein JS. Gas Monitoring and Pulse Oximetry. Gas Man® picture used to teach solubility. Ch 5, pp. 33-40. Boston: Butterworth-Heinemann, 1990.
- Gravenstein JS. Gas Monitoring and Pulse Oximetry. Titration of anesthetic depth. Ch 7, pp. 63-67. Boston: Butterworth-Heinemann, 1990.
- Philip JH. Using Monitoring for More Precise Control of Anesthetic Depth. Videojournal/Anesthesia. Rainbow Productions and Anaquest, 1990.
- Philip, JH, Stoelting R. Breath by Breath Control of Anesthetic Depth. Distinguished Professor Program, Rainbow Productions and Anaquest, 1991.
- Philip JH. Kinetic Impact of Low Blood/Gas Solubility. Ohmeda PPD. 1995.
- Feldman JM. A simple strategy for faster induction and more cost-effective use of anesthetic vapor. J Clin Monit Comput. 1999 Jan; 15(1):17-21.
- Eger EI, Shafer SL. Context-Sensitive Decrement Times for Inhaled Anesthetics. Anesth Analg 2005 101: 688-696. (Tutorial).
- Feldman JM. Managing Fresh Gas Flow to Reduce Environmental Contamination, Anesth & Analg 2012 pp: 1 – 9.
- Umeshkumar A, Ravishankar, M, Jahagirdhar S. Performance of computer simulated inhalational anesthetic uptake model in comparison with real time isoflurane concentration. J Clin Monit Comput. DOI 10.1007/s10877-015-9776-6, 2015
- Weber J., Wirth S., Schumann S., Philip JH., Eberhart LHJ. Context-sensitive decrement times for inhaled anesthestics in obese patients explored with Gas Man® J Clin Monit Comp. Doi:10.1007/s10877-02000477-z. PMID: 16115976, 2021.
- Weber J, Mißbach C, Wenzel C, Schumann S, Philip JH, Wirth S. Prediction of expiratory desflurane and sevoflurane concentrations in lung-healthy patients utilizing cardiac output and alveolar ventilation matched pharmacokinetic models: a comparative observational study. Medicine (Baltimore);100(6):e23570. PMID: 33578509., 2021.
- Candries E, DeWolf AM, Hendrickx JFA. Prospective validation of gas man simulations of sevoflurane in O2/air over a wide fresh gas flow range. J Clin Monit & Comp. J Clin Monit & Comp (2022) 36:1881–1890,
- Dexter F, Epstein RH, Marian AA, Guerra-Londono. Preventing Prolonged Awakening w Low Flow and Gas Man. Cureus Open Access Original Article.2024. DOI: 10.7759/cureus.55626
GAS MAN® Awards
- Special Award, New York State Society of Anesthesiologists, 1982.
- Award of Merit for Publications (3rd place), Society for Technical Communication, New England Regional Competition, 1991.
- Award of Excellence for Art (2nd place), Society for Technical Communication, New England Regional Competition, 1991.
GAS MAN® Workshops
- 1998 International Visiting Faculty. Workshop on the Optimal Use of your Vaporizer, Bolus and Cruising Techniques. Symposium on Advanced Inhalation Anesthetic Techniques. Katholic University of Leuven, Belgium.
- 2011 International Lecturer: Gas Man® Training of Trainers Workshop, Med Man Simulations, Kolkata, India.
- 2007 Lunch Workshop Leader. Gas Man® for Clinicians. Harvard Anesthesia Review and Update.
- 2009 Workshops. Inhaled Anesthesia Kinetics for Clinicians. University of Colorado Refresher and Ski Holiday (CRASH 2009). Vail CO.
- 2010 Lunch Workshop Leader. “Gas Man® – Clinical Magic with Inhalants”.
- 2011 Lunch Workshop Leader. Gas Man to Teach or Explore. Harvard Anesthesia Review and Update
- 2011 International Workshop. How to Use and Teach with Gas Man®. Med Man Simulations at Chengdu, China.
- 2011 International Lecturer: Gas Man® Workshop. Okanagan Anesthesia Conference, Silver Star, Vernon BC Canada
- 2011 International Lecturer: Gas Man® Training of Trainers Workshop, Med Man Simulations, Athens Greece.
- 2011 International Lecturer: Gas Man® Training of Trainers Workshop, Med Man Simulations, Mumbai, India.
- 2011 International Lecturer. Gas Man® to Understand Inhalation Kinetics, Med Man Simulations, Chennai, India.
- 2011 International Lecturer: Gas Man® Training of Trainers Workshop, Med Man Simulations, Hyderabad, India.
- 2011 International Lecturer: Gas Man® Training of Trainers Workshop, Med Man Simulations, New Delhi, India.
- 2011 International Lecturer: Gas Man® Training of Trainers Workshop, Med Man Simulations, Kolkata, India.
- 2011 International Lecturer. Gas Man® Training of Trainers Workshop, Med Man Simulations, SAARC (South Asia Association for Regional Cooperation) Association of Anesthesiologists, Bengaluru, India.
- 2012 International Lecturer. Gas Man® Workshop. International Anaesthesia Summit. Istanbul, Turkey
- 2014 International Lecturer: Gas Man® Training of Teachers Workshop, Egypt Society of Anesthesiologists, Cairo, Egypt.